Mystical Rose Petal (English)
Powerful instrument for cure and conversion, machine laminated, very attractive
2.25 x 3.75
Powerful instrument for cure and conversion, machine laminated, very attractive
2.25 x 3.75
Brilliant color on high-quality stock with prayer to Jesus
5x7 litho, unframed
$0.10"So shall all be saved who believe and wear this medal." Our Lady, Feb. 10, 1971
0.50 ea.; 10 / $3.95
June 18, 1992 34 min audio Message Herein Our Lady admonishes America not to fall prey to the lying voices in the Kremlin stating that Communism has collapsed and that Russia has now become a free and democratic nation like ours. She assures us it is just a cosmetic act to deceive us—a ruse—as their plan is to gain our confidence and our $billions so that they can continue stockpiling armaments against the U.S. Our Lady said that Russia's missiles are being stored in other nations. We're assured that the present-day leaders in Russia have the same goals as their forefathers, namely, to delude us about their plan to invade the U.S. so that they can secretly go forward with their plan while our guard is down. Jesus expresses great hope that the people of the world and America will say the Rosary in their homes to offset this ungodly plan.
A powerful and moving experience: Hear Veronica of the Cross in ecstasy
From 1970 to 1995, Jesus and Mary would speak through their servant, Veronica of the Cross. Veronica would be in a state of ecstasy in which she would see and describe the Blessed Virgin and Her Divine Son. At Their direction she would repeat out loud the message They would give her while her voice was being recorded. Nothing was missed. What you hear is Veronica's voice but it is Heaven speaking through her.
Roses From Heaven; 113 Messages from 1977 to 1990; 8.5 x 11; 502 pp.
A powerful spiritual companion and a wealth of inspiration, guidance and nuggets of wisdom (it’s not just Apocalyptic).
This book is shipped in a separate box through USPS media mail, aside from all other items in your order.
U.S. orders only; subject to change. Canada / International orders, call for s&h (1.888.830.SMWA)
100% wool with image of St. Michael
10.5” dia outside; 5.5” dia inside
Gold color; metal corpus with 24" endless stainless steel chain
11” dia outside; 5.5” dia inside
100% wool
33% off, only $10.10 reg. $14.95
Perpetual calendar; with a Bayside Message excerpt for everyday of the year; spiral bound on integrated easel stand w/ hard cover; great addition for your desk.
5.5 x 7; 420 pages